Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Day 1

Okay, just got back from the gym and it went pretty well.  Here's what I did:

Workout #1

Partial ROM Squat (3 sets of 10-20) - Completed in Full
Knee Push-ups (3 sets of 10-20) - Completed in Full
Australian Pull-up (3 sets of 5-10) - Completed in Full
Bent knee raises (3 sets of 15-20) - Completed in Full
Side Plank (30-60 seconds each side) - Completed in Full
Table Top (30-60 seconds) - Completed in Full

So I had limited time today due to having a 12:00 meeting I had to get to so I opted to super-set the exercises.  I super-setted (not sure if that is a real word) the squats and pushups, then rested 2 minutes between supersets.  Then I super-setted the Australian pullups and the Bent Knee Raises. 

After that I went straight into the planks and table top to finish it off.

Overall it was not too bad.  The squats and pushups were no problem - could feel some burn at the end of the push ups, but didn't lose form at all, so I was happy with that.  The pullups went the same as the pushups - last couple were a bit tougher than the start but didn't let form fall at all so I think I was good there.  The bent knee raises were tougher than I thought they would be - but the discomfort was more in my hips than in my abs, so either I was doing them wrong or my legs/hips were tight from doing the squats.

So how do I feel after - pretty good.  I can still feel it a bit in my chest and arms so that is probably good - meant I got a workout in and I was sweating a bit by the end.  By using supersets I was able to complete the whole workout in about 25 minutes, which works well for lunch-time workouts.

I've decided that even though I met all the reps and all the sets for this workout that I will repeat this workout on Friday, and then move to the next steps in my first workout next week.  the next workout has more exercises that are harder, so I don't expect I will complete them all and it never hurts to hang again at a lower level for one more day to help the ligaments and joints get used to the movements.

More tomorrow.

After-thought:  for cardio this morning I ran 9 miles as well.  Tomorrow I'll try to post some pictures for my starting physique so I can compare later, but really am trying to go on how I feel after workouts, rather than how I look because changes to physique will take a while.

Found some before pictures - hopefully I'll see some changes in a month or two

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Day 78

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